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  • Blog, blog, blog

    The really cool thing about a blog is that it's a great place to unload the stuff that's on my mind.

    No particular theme - there will be rants, raves, and probably some really wierd stuff.

    Feel free to comment, even if you disagree (especially if you disagree!). If you're going to insult, do it with wit and intelligence.

    WordPress »

  • Works

    I'm a writer. Writing is what I do. Fiction, non-fiction, it's all good.

    Smashwords is where I park my fiction and "just because" pieces.

    Most are free, except the ones that are put toward my youngest daughter's education or dog rescue.

    Smashwords »

  • Elance

    Web content, ghost writing, whatever you need, I can do it and won't charge you an arm and a leg. Contact me through Elance for a quote.

    My Profile »

  • Ways to Earn

    These are ways I earn a few extra bucks a month. Not enough (yet) to carry a household but definitely enough pay off a few bills or buy that "little something" I've had my eye on.

    More »

  • Ways to Save

    It's not enough to make money; it's just as important to hang onto the money you have.

    More »

  • Health and Fitness

    I'm very much interested in health and fitness. These are some of the sites I've found invaluable.

    Sites and Links »

About This Free CSS Template

This is a W3C standards compliant free website template from OS Templates.

This template is distributed using a Website Template Licence, which allows you to use and modify the template for both personal and commercial use when you keep the provided credit links in the footer.

For more CSS templates visit Free Website Templates.

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Nullamlacus dui ipsum conseque loborttis non euisque morbi penas dapibulum orna. Urnaultrices quis curabitur phasellentesque congue magnis vestibulum quismodo nulla et feugiat adipisciniapellentum leo.

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